We have conducted numerous endowment buildings for all types of public entities and activities. This is the case of healthcare buildings, sports buildings, service buildings, public safety, etc In this section deserves special mention sports facilities. The cities have evolved and their needs have grown. Such needs have driven the presence of urban sports facilities of all kinds and endowment spaces for the use and enjoyment of all population segments.

The company has provided to this type of space its quality and design which are easily recognizable.

Among our major contracting public agencies highlight the following ones:

  • City Council of Aljaraque

  • City Council of Lepe

  • City Council of Cartaya

  • Integral Water Management Huelva Coast

  • Diputación Provincial de Huelva

  • Junta de Andalucía

Plot Sports of the PP5 Marismas del Polvorin Huelva
Sports Center of Lepe - Huelva
Horizontal Beach Club in El Rompido - Huelva
SAPU D2 de Cartaya - Huelva
Residential Villas Del Rompido in Cartaya - Huelva
Las Retamas de La Antilla in Lepe - Huelva
M1 of the PPR1 of La Antilla in Lepe - Huelva
Police Station in Aljaraque - Huelva
Pedestrianization of the Calle de La Plaza in Cartaya - Huelva
Plot Sports of the PP5 Marismas del Polvorin Huelva
Public Park in M-7 of the SAPU R-1 of Cartaya - Huelva